Over The River...


“Over the river, and through the wood, To Grandmother's house we go; the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow.”

The classic Christmas carol encircles a snow-covered scene of a station wagon toting a tree on the roof outside of Grandma’s house!

Layered paper cutout art sculpture.

Select from a faux wood, white, or black framed 8x8in shadowbox.

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“Over the river, and through the wood, To Grandmother's house we go; the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow.”

The classic Christmas carol encircles a snow-covered scene of a station wagon toting a tree on the roof outside of Grandma’s house!

Layered paper cutout art sculpture.

Select from a faux wood, white, or black framed 8x8in shadowbox.

“Over the river, and through the wood, To Grandmother's house we go; the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow.”

The classic Christmas carol encircles a snow-covered scene of a station wagon toting a tree on the roof outside of Grandma’s house!

Layered paper cutout art sculpture.

Select from a faux wood, white, or black framed 8x8in shadowbox.